May 11, 2012

8 weeks until summer challenge - Week 3

New addition to the medal collection
 Last Weeks Goals:
1. Keep a close eye on the eats this week
2. Pay attention to your body when it comes to activity
3. Focus on my studies (for my PTS exam ;) )
I was very good about keeping an eye on my eats this week. I have been using My fitness pal (user name: jonesee90). I love that it tracks my protein intake and what not. I gave myself 4 days off of activity and then I couldn't take it anymore. Exercise keeps me a positive happy person, its hard for me to take a long time off! I did listen to my body, took my runs slow and focused on stretching and strength. As for focusing on my PTS studies, I honestly do not know where the week went! I will keep focusing on this one!

I will admit, Matt and I celebrated with a few beers on Wednesday but I added them to my fitness pal. Other then that, I was really focused on keeping within my calories and eating a good amount of protein.

As I said, I took 4 days off after the race. I went for a 5 km on Thursday and a 30 minute spin class. Then Friday I ran 5 km and did upper body strength with stairs. This morning I am planning on a 5-7 km run and a little bit of strength later in the day.

Zee mind
I must say, I have been feeling VERY good about my body image and everything else, very positive. I have had a number of complements from subscribers, friends and family that say they have noticed a difference in my body as well. So of course that has gone straight to my head :P. I am still very motivated and happy about making the choice not to weigh myself until the end of this challenge!

Non scale victories
Well on race morning I had to pull in my fuel belt a considerable amount. Also felt NO pain in my knees on race day (during and after) which is when I can tell I am under my "lifetime weight." My recovery has been crazy fast this race and I wonder if it has to do with the weight I am at or the fact that I did not go right to bed after the race. Instead my Mom and I walked around Toronto and grabbed some grub! (Gluten-free burger FTW!)

Next Weeks Goals
1. Stay healthy! (I feel a cold coming on! *sniffle*)
2. Study!!
3. Challenge myself (in general)

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