May 8, 2012

A late 8 weeks til summer update- Week Two

Hey all!

Sorry for the late post. Saturday I had my race on the brain, Sunday I was pretty much out of committing, and Monday I was spending the day with Jess so I did not have time to write an update! I apologize. So lets get right to it!

8 weeks until summer!! WEEK TWO
Last weeks goals:
Hydration was VERY good. So much so I had to go to the bathroom SO bad on the airplane that I woke up the lady next to me to get out of the row (what I couldn't hold it any longer?!). The taper crazies? ya those still got to me. I was so nervous before the race I felt like I had to pee every 2 seconds and had CRAZY butterflies. All I could think about was what pace I should do for the first half, what I outfit to wear of the 3 I brought, what food I would like to devour eat after the race and so on. But I still was happy with my time. I came in at 4:01:13. My desired time was 3:58:12 but that it okay, still VERY happy of a new PR. That's like 12 minutes off my previous time :). Last, my goal was to plan. Well, I planned very well I thought. I was constantly thinking about what I should be eating, when I should pick up my race kit, and so on. I did well on this weeks goals I would say.

Pretty darn good. I will admit that I indulged on race day. I burnt over 2500 calories so I will admit, I lost my strictness but that's fine in my mind.  The day before the race we went to Hye's steakhouse and Oh my goodness. Yummy steak dinner!! and the waiter was impressed I was running the next day so he surprised me with a brownie on a plate where he had written "GOOD LUCK" in chocolate. I am sorry sir, but that isn't the kinda carbby dinner I was aiming for. Don't get me wrong though, totally had some!

Workin' on my Fitness:
Well, I went to Jess's bootcamp on Thursday night and dannng girl, I felt that one! She is an amazing trainer and I can tell she has a major passion for this stuff. I had SUCH a blast in Toronto thanks to her! I also went for a 5 km that Thursday to see what the air quality and the roads were like. Thursday was mighty humid so it made my taper crazies act up! Then I ran a marathon on Sunday :P. That is about all I did since I had to rest the legs leading up to the race.

Mind set:
Other then the taper crazies, I would say I was pretty good. Just extreme nervousness prior to race day made me have a few doubts. Otherwise I was good with self talk and keeping a positive spin on things!

An amazing trip! I really felt this week was a great time to enjoy a new Canadian city, I am such a big city girl at heart so I really loved it.

Next week:
Well, since I have been in marathon mode I need to think RECOVERY. So this week I want to pay attention to my body and really focus on the eats. Since post marathon my stomach is a bottomless abyss I think it would be good to really focus on that. Goal:
1. Keep a close eye on the eats this week
2. Pay attention to your body when it comes to activity
3. Focus on my studies (for my PTS exam ;) )

Hope you are doing well! xo J

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