Jan 22, 2012

15 km Running Update!

So, this morning was my first LSD (long, slow, distance) run of this marathon training season. I am trying to modify my fuel, as I would like to get away from carrying 5 billion fuel bottles and flasks, but that will come with time of experimentation. I also am trying a new breakfast, which I have been obsessed with the past few months. The protein pancake. I made this one with brown rice vanilla protein and frozen blueberries. I also have been using PURE maple syrup, since I am trying to get away from artificial crap.

So I ate my breakfast at 7 am, I need to make sure I have enough time for it to digest. I had a cup of coffee as well, MAPLE coffee. Nom. I then set off for the bus at 8 and got to the Running Room at 8:15 or so.

We set off just after 8:30 for the 15 km. I could tell it would be a tough run, since the wind woke me up multiple times last night. With my apartment facing the water, I get to have my windows and patio doors rattled on nights like this. So it was HEADWIND CENTRAL. Our group was being blown off the sidewalk, blown to a stand still, to say the least it felt like we were doing some resistance training ha! What was SUPER fun was getting smacked by flying leaves. Or if you are like me, and have very long hair, the hair will smack you in the eye and blind you. Hoorah.

Ran: 15.77 km (may be closer to 16 as I ran home from the bus stop a few blocks away...because it was cold!)
Time: 1:36:00
Calories: 789
Pace: 6:06/ km

Feels SO good to be back into the swing of things, though it was a tough run. I am not a fair weather runner by any means, but days like today make it tough to get out the door. Glad I went for sure.

We all went over to Dolce Vita for a post run coffee (aka. nectar of the running gods ;)..so I hear). I was hungry, but honestly could not bring myself to put the points on a muffins, or other pastry. So I went with a soy latte. Kept me full until I went home.

When home I chopped up an apple, globbed a tablespoon of smooth peanut butter on a plate, brewed some tea and ran a hot bubble bath with a book I am reading for school. This has been a vice lately. With all the stresses I have been feeling and the need to get this book DONE in a day or so, I have been relaxing in a hot bath with tea and the book. Felt SO good on my hips. They haven't said "hello" like that in a while, since my last longer run was a few months back!

I then sat down and prepped for my late afternoon meeting. Yet another good topic, and needed to be ready since I was getting assessed. I am feeling much more comfortable up in front of the meeting room speaking, but I suppose that comes with putting myself up there week after week. I remember how jittery I used to be! So I am happy with how far I have come.

For lunch I made a "green" monster shake, but the blueberries over powered the spinach..so its a "blah" colour :P. I also have been adding in a bit of cucumber into these, and BOY is it refreshing!While prepping my week, I snacked on a grapefruit with stevia and cinnamon sprinkled over top.

As I got ready, I was getting a little hungry so I made a piece of toast with fat free cream cheese and another apple. Mmm.
 I then took the book I am trying to hammer out on the bus and got a chapter done before getting to work. The book itself is very good, though very sad. I am just the slowest reader in the world so to have a novel done in a 2 week span is difficult for me.

My meeting went somewhat well. The great thing about having a small meeting is really getting to know some of the members, and it makes it easier to remember names and faces. It is exciting to see my meeting size grow and grow, and see the members shrink and shrink :).

I got home feeling slightly frazzled as I got myself worked up over some things I have been going through lately. Luckily, I had a lovely happy boyfriend to come home to. He is pretty darn good and making me smile. Even if I am in a stubborn mood (which can be the case, I blame it on being a Capricorn ;)).

I hopped right into the kitchen and made a marinara chicken, roasted garlic potato, and broccoli. SO good. I was absolutely starving by the time I got home. Now, as I write, I am sipping on a cup of jasmine tea, and I am off to read some more. *sigh*

**PS: like I said, I am not sure if I will be making this a daily thing, might just be every few days or just for my Sunday updates. We will see :). Have a lovely day!!


Marnie/Marz/PlayerVSHobbies said...

Hey there! Marnie here from Rosie's Sat morning WW meeting. I just discovered Green Monster Smoothies this week. What ingredients do you like to add to them?

Jennifer said...

Hey Marnie! Thanks for taking a read! I have recently been putting half a banana, some frozen blueberries, WW smoothie mix (the strawberry bananas my fave for this), spinach, almond milk and a bit of a cucumber. The cucumber makes it SO refreshing. The blueberries don't really make it too green ha! But it is very delish!

Marnie/Marz/PlayerVSHobbies said...

Cucumber! I've heard people online saying it really adds to the freshness, so I will have to try that one. I tried blueberries in mine this morning and was a bit put off by the brown color, but it was tasty! I've grown to like the bright green after only three days of having them for breakfast.

Thanks for the tip about the WW smoothie mix! I'm using plain greek yogurt in mine for protein and a chocolate protein powder to boost that occasionally, but might try the WW mix once I use up my protein powder.