Feb 29, 2012

Random Check in!

Woah. Hey there.
I have seemed to have taken a little breakskis off the blog for a bit. Last few weeks have been a little nutso, but hey, whats new. Two of Matt's sisters came into town last weekend so we went out for sushi (my FAVE) and I decided to try out the new coloured denim jeans I bought. I don't have a photo but here is my top, jacket, necklace, and ...is that a duck face? I am not even totally sure. I bought a pair of cheaper coloured denim jeans because I wasn't sure if I could totally pull em off (get yo head outa da gutta). I wore peach pants with my black riding boots and I got a TON of looks, kinda creeped me out. Then I was informed that it looked as though I wasn't wearing pants so many people needed to take a second look, since they were peach I found it understandable. Woops.

As for my nutrition, I have been pretty killer. I have tracked EVERYTHING, been hydrating like no other, just feel like a superstar. Tonight I made a cornflake crusted honey mustard and dill chicken for Matt and I. This was one of my absolute FAVORITE recipes, yet I haven't made it in ages. It was a hit with Matt.

Matt and I started out 1 month groupon for Bikrams hot yoga. I am already hooked. We went Saturday, Monday and I went yesterday. I plan on going tomorrow and friday as well. I have been very cautious, especially with marathon training on the go. Don't want to risk hyperextention or anything, so really paying attention to my body. My skin feels amazing.

Running has been good. My milage isn't anything like what it was last season but then again, I feel I don't always have the time to get the distance in like I did last season. I have been doing more cross training this season then usual and can definitely feel a difference in my stride and what not. Been working on flexibility tons, HIIT and lots of core.

Schools going well, on the plus side of things I only have 6 more courses left! Since I can't take 2 of the courses in the same semester, looks like I wont be done until April 2013 but I will live. Looks like Ill have more free time during the next few semesters though if I take some electives this summer which is good and bad. I hope to get my PT certification this summer so thats something to keep me busy for sure!

Anyway, just wanted to do a quick check in! tootloo!

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Hope you don't take too many "breakskis" - enjoyed the post! :)