Feb 21, 2012

11 tag

1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people. I will be breaking the rules here…just like Jess ;)

11 Random Things

1. I am related to Louis Riel, but if you have read my post about my trip to Winterpeg, you would know this :P
2. I had my appendix, tonsils and annoids removed.
3. I went through a piercing phase and had 8 piercings on my ear, one on my nose, one through my belly button, my tongue. Currently I have 11.
4. I have two tattoos, this one seems to surprise some people I know.
5. I danced competitively for 11 years as a kid. (mainly in Ballet and Irish dance)
6. I hated my natural blonde hair colour growing up and used to dye my hair chestnut brown or brown black.
7. I played rep soccer for a number of years. Our team placed 1, 2 and 3 in the province in my final 3 years of it.
8. I was an extremely shy child growing up, and still have shy moments. I have come a long way though.
9. I am a YouTube vlogger that talks about weight loss and running. I am sure some of you knew this and can see that on my blog, but for many people I know in real life, they have no idea. I just came out of the YouTube closet to my family!
10. I am a HUGE girly girl at heart. I LOVE fashion, makeup, shoes, bags, you name it! I wish I could be a professional shopper!
11. I absolutely love the outdoors. I took an outdoor education class in high school where I hiked, canoed, kayaked, snow camped, rock climbed, etc. LOVED it. Though I am a girly girl, I like getting down and dirty sometimes :).

Jess's Questions
1. What is your favourite comfort food?
 My Vegetable Barley Casserole or snap pea crisps! (cant have the crisps in my house though, as I could down an entire bag eassssy)

 2. Did you ever have a pet? What was the name of that first pet.
I have had dogs my entire life. My first dogs name was Jenny, my family got her when my Mom was pregnant with me and she really wanted to name someone "Jennifer" so they named the dog "Jenny" just in case ;).

3. If you could go anywhere in the world for free – where would you go? Why?

France. I have been but I want to travel more of the country. I LOVE french culture and I love Paris and Versaille. I love the history, the food, the fashion. All of it!

4. You’re hungry and you got to grab a quick snack, what’s your go to?
Lately, an apple with dark chocolate almond butter or greek yogurt, fruit and flax

5. What is the best breakfast/meal/desert you ever made? Link up the recipe;)

the vegetable barley casserole.

6. You can spend the day with anyone (passed away or living). Who would you pick? What would do you?
My grandmother. She passed when I was 9 years old and I would love to take her to France with my Mom for a girls day. (Hey the question never limited me to staying where I live! :P)

7. What was the best workout you’ve ever done? Share it!
That's a hard one. Sometimes I plan out my workout, but I find the ones that are fueled by certain emotions are always the best. (usually by anger :P or frustration) It would have to be some sort of HIIT training.

8. What’s one food you can’t go without having daily?

Apples or Bananas. They are my favourite fruit!

9. Sweet or Salty?

10. Celebrity Crush?
Bradley Cooper ;)

11. What/who made you start blogging?

 Well, I started my YouTube before my blog. I started it due to being inspired by Shanti . This then lead me into blogging. I started reading blogs by Jess, Angela, and many others.

My Questions for you!
1. Mac or PC?
2. Do you find physical activity enjoyable? or do you do it just because you need to get it done? Why?
3. Favourite fashion brand or designer?
4. Favourite restaurant and favourite dish at that restaurant?
5. Do you enjoy cooking? What is your favourite dish to make?
6. How do you de-stress?
7. Do you workout morning, day, or night? Why?
8. Favourite workout clothing brand?
9. If you had one tip to give to someone that wanted to change something in their life for the better, what would that tip be?
10. What running shoes do you wear?
11. What is the most difficult thing about having a healthy lifestyle?

Tag…You’re it…


Anonymous said...

Ooooh note to self - I want to do this when I get home!!

Barefoot Jax said...

I'm going to do this on my blog when I can find a few minutes in the day to fit it in! Love your answers and questions Jenn! xox