May 19, 2012

8 weeks til summer- Week 4

Last weeks goals:
1. Stay healthy! (I feel a cold coming on! *sniffle*)
2. Study!!
3. Challenge myself (in general)

Well well well. Guess what? I got sick. It turned into a chest cold, ending with tons of sinus stuff. So I went from sounding manly, to sounding similar to Mickey Mouse. *ho ho!* So due to that, I wasn't able to be AS active as I would have liked, but not too bad. So since I had this little bump in the road I could not challenge myself as  much as I would have liked. As for study, I have studied my class material but not the Personal Training Theory like I meant to. This week I will!

Still sticking to upping my protein, and it has been working well for me. Definitely can feel the difference in my energy and how long I keep full for. I will admit, the day I was super sick I did not care much for my healthy food. All I wanted was chocolate and soup (NOT TOGETHER ew).

I..I workout?
Well, I worked out Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...but Thursday until now, I have been too sick to do so. Once a cold progresses in my chest, I refuse to workout until it is out of there! Can't wait to feel better to start running again!

This weeks goals:
1. Stick to calories
2. Positive mind set
3. Study PTS material

Overall, I have come to the conclusion that BEING SICK SUCKS SO BAD. I have also learned I like to breathe clearly, I absolutely go crazy without my morning workout and I am repulsed by my own mucus. End of story. Hopefully this cold will leave very soon because all I want is to get back to it! Also, I promised on my facebook page to inclued a workout this week. So here it is!

Tabata Style
20 seconds on 10 seconds off for 8 rounds
Do each round 1-3 times (depending on time constraint)

Tricep pushups
mountain climbers
Tricep dips
narrow set pushups
jumping jacks
Tuck jumps

Lunge with kick (right leg)
lunge with kick (left leg)
high knees
singe calve raise (right leg)
single calve raise (left leg)
burpee with pushup
sumo squats
squat jump with tuck jump

Mountain climbers
Spiderman pushups
tuck jumps
Walking planks
plank with side tucks
super mans

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