Mar 16, 2012

Self-love and Positivity

This week at Weight Watchers, the topic was on nixing negative talk. This topic resonates with me because it is something that I struggled with majority of my life. Growing up I was a ball of insecurity. I did not like how I looked, how I felt, who I was. I am a huge believer that life experiences make a person. That being said, I do not like defining myself due to one moment; however, I do believe that the beginning of my journey did have a large impact on me. I began to find who I was, what I was capable of, and what I loved about me. I felt like posting about this topic since it was something that I have been really pondering for a while.

It is all about how you look at things
This is something I truly believe. It is not always easy to look at things in a positive light, but it definitely is the more beneficial one. Life sometimes hands you cards that you don't expect or necessarily want, but the way you deal with these situations is what matters. In my eyes, being negative and choosing to look at things negatively is mediocre. It is easy to look at things for their flaws and "how bad they suck." By looking at things in this light, it impacts you negatively. Does not make life exciting or enjoyable. So be the best YOU you can be, be positive, look positively.

Language is problematic
Maybe this is the academic in me, but I find language to be very problematic. It can rarely get out the full meaning of your emotions you want to express. That being said, I believe many people RARELY look and what certain words could mean to others. There are a few words I highly dislike. One of them being the word fat. (That made me cringe just typing it). To me, the only reason I would use that word would be to talk about the macro nutrient, lipids, triglycerides, etc. It is not a characteristic to describe a person or thing. For many, this words has very hurtful connotations. Same goes with the word hate. Rarely could you say that you absolutely hate something. You can highly dislike something, not prefer something or not be a huge fan of something. But can you truly hate something? I just believe this word is very hurtful and negative in itself. So why is it okay if we use the words hate and  fat on ourselves (or others)? I don't think it is at all.

The power of words is tremendous. Instead of saying "I lost 50 lbs" I have come to using the terms "gave away" or "released" 50 lbs. Lost infers you will be finding it at some point, I do not want that.

Learn to take compliments
This one was a toughy for me for a while. I still sometimes catch myself on this. Accept and acknowledge someones compliment. It is so important to realize how far you have come, to acknowledge you are appreciated and inspiring others. So smile and say "hey! Thanks a lot, friend!" and carry on with your day with that beautiful smile on your face.

Daily Positive Affirmations
I have been really into this lately. I don't stand in front of the mirror chanting "YOU ARE STRONG YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL" every morning. I mean I think of at least one (sometimes more) things a day that I feel blessed for, thankful for, or something that I love about me. It is so important to see the positivity that we ourselves have. It is so powerful.

Don't let others get you down
When I was watching one of Kandee Johnson's  video's one day, she made a very good point. When you strive to better yourself, when you jump and reach for the stars, people sometimes will try and tear you down. These people are mediocre. They want you to be mediocre too. They know you are going somewhere good, they want to derail you, and you cannot give them the satisfaction of doing so. So I suggest surrounding yourselves with like minded individuals. People who want to see you succeed and you want them to succeed at their goals as well.

So what do you love about yourself? What are you blessed and thankful for?

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